NANITE™—Technology Making Your Commute Home Safer


Technology Transforming Law Enforcement


Law enforcement has undergone a fundamental transformation in just the last 20 years. Today, the prevention, detection, and investigation of crime bears little resemblance to the way it was conducted in the 1970s. Technology has played a large role in…

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Oceanit Takes Initiative Towards Going Green


Some may call it a fad, others do it because it is “what everyone else is doing,” but we call it taking initiative. Beginning in 2008, Oceanit Chief Operating Officer, Jan Sullivan, began to pursue more eco-friendly operations. She met…

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Oceanit Partners with Sustainable Hawaii Youth Leadership Initiative to Build Future STEM Workforce


Encouraging youth to study and pursue careers in science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) is vital

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Oceanit Celebrates 30 Years of Innovation


On November 23rd, Oceanit officially recognized its anniversary with an event to celebrate 30 years of innovation.

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