Responsible Environmental Solutions for Sustainable Ecosystems in a Changing Climate

What does it take to address complex environmental problems while prioritizing local concerns and government regulations? Enironmental engineering is the core of every project that the RiSE team approaches. From water quality monitoring to environmental restoration, pollution control and battling sea level rise, Oceanit’s team of seasoned engineers and scientists provides innovative solutions and personal attention to help clients protect the environment and human health and safety for present and future generations.


Oceanit’s capabilities run the gamut of environmentally focused projects, from environmental studies and planning, document preparation, and environmental mitigation design to full environmental assessments and environmental impact statements (EIS). We have the capability to prepare EIS and environmental assessments for the National Environmental Policy Act and the State of Hawaii, Hawaii Revised Statutes Chapter 343.

Oceanit appreciates and fully understands that Hawaii’s environmental concerns are culturally and emotionally charged; we take extreme care in making sure each stakeholder has the opportunity to voice their opinions and concerns in any situation.

Case Studies:

  • Lihue Airport NPDES Sampling
  • Kaelepulu Pond Sampling and Analysis
  • Mokuhinia Pond Resto
  • Kaunakakai Molokai Hazmat