Breaking the Mold of Decades Old Ceramic Sensor Production with 3D Printing

Keeping Everything on Track: The Importance of Railway Ballast

Intellectual Anarchy, Technology

Railroads are the backbone of overland commerce. They also transport millions of daily commuters, running along 161,400 miles of track in the United States alone. While railroads are a familiar sight to most, few are aware of the critical role…

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The Climate Heatwave is Upon Us: Stay Cool, Stay Safe

Mind to Market Blog, Technology

In recent years, when you turn on the TV or go online to get the weather forecast, images of hurricanes, floods, and tornadoes somewhere in the world often dominate the coverage. For many, these weather events represent the most devastating…

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IN THE NEWS | HPR Asks Patrick Sullivan, What Are Organoids?

In the News, Technology

On October 24th, Oceanit CEO Dr. Patrick K. Sullivan joined Hawaii Public Radio’s Catherine Cruz on an episode of The Conversation to discuss Oceanit’s new work on Organoids, miniature self-organized synthetic organs that replicate the complexities of real organs for…

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Increasing Food Supply While Reducing Food Costs – A Case for High Tech Packaging

Mind to Market Blog, Technology

What if we told you that 30 percent of all harvested fruits and vegetables are “lost” during shipping to your local supermarket? This “lost” produce could be a result of spoilage, bacterial or mold growth, or bruising and lacerations during…

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iBeach – Putting AI to Work Saving Beaches  

Mind to Market Blog, RiSE, Technology

Imagine the year 2050. Coastal cities are retreating. Iconic beaches like Waikiki, once teeming with people, have become distant memories, swallowed by rising tides. Homes, highways, and infrastructure have crumbled into the sea as the relentless forces of climate change…

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