Design Thinking: A Process for Innovation, September 19th
Honolulu 828 Fort Street Mall Ste 600, Honolulu, HI, United StatesTickets available soon! Oceanit’s Design Thinking: A Process for Innovation workshops are an exclusive gathering, of no more than 20 people, designed for executives and leaders to provide a one-day, immersive Design Thinking experience. Workshops are held on Saturdays from 8:00 am – 4:00 pm to avoid the interruption of the work week. Participants dive into the Design Thinking process through a variety of teaching methodologies and exercises. Since August 2015, more than 600 leaders have experienced what it means to "think outside the box", and many have gone back to their organizations to begin their organizational transformation. Executives will take part in an immersive, real-world project to learn the human-centered, prototype-driven approach to innovation. The workshop is a dynamic mix of short instructional lectures, demonstrations, and guided hands-on teamwork. You will experience the Design Thinking mindsets and philosophy that we practice at Oceanit – to learn more, click the link below!