Latest Past Events

Hawaii Book & Music Festival 2021 | Conversation: The Bitcoin Solution for Hawai‘i Energy

Virtual Event

On Thursday, October 21 from 4:00 - 5:00pm, Sterling Yee, Oceanit's Director of Strategic Consulting Services, will moderate a conversation with Blockchain Solutions Hawai‘i (BSH) founder, Nathaniel Harmon about the physical realities of 100% renewable energy for Hawai‘i and how the Hawaiian Islands' location offers a potential win-win solution that utilizes our greatest resource, the deep ocean, in a discussion titled: “The Bitcoin Solution for Hawai‘i Energy”. Nathaniel received an M.S. in Marine Geology and Geochemistry from the University of Hawai‘i Manoa and founded the Hawaiian Islands Conservation Collective in an effort to harness locally educated scientists to restore native ecosystems. Having been involved with Bitcoin since 2013, Nathaniel founded Blockchain Solutions Hawai‘i (BSH) with the goal of creating “Hawai‘i’s Blockchain Helpdesk.” Through BSH Nathaniel provides consulting and educational services to businesses, individuals, and legislators alike, pioneered a Zero-Knowledge On-Boarding Security service, and developed commercial grade software ecosystems for 2nd Layer Bitcoin solutions using Sidechains and the Lighting Network. Sterling Yee's recent project experience included the organizational change management (OCM) efforts for the State of Hawai‘i business transformation initiatives. The main focus areas of the OCM effort included leadership, communication, learning and knowledge transfer, organizational structure and job redesign, and resistance management. Prior to Oceanit, Sterling served as the COO of La Pietra – Hawai‘i School of Girls, as the General Auditor of Hawaiian Electric Industries, Inc (HEI). In 2012 he was appointed by the Hawaii State Legislature to the State IT Steering Committee. He serves on the boards of the American Lung Association, the School for Examining Essential Questions of Sustainability, and other boards. RSVP at the link below. The 16th annual Hawaii Book & Music Festival returns virtually, October 1 – November 4, with its core program of Hawai‘i Authors, and community thought leaders and experts in Hawai‘i Sustainability & Resilience, Health & Wellness, Innovation Future, Hawaiian Culture, amplified by national and international Authors addressing some of the greatest issues for Hawai’i’s future.

Hawaii Book & Music Festival 2021 | Conversation: A Different Model For Diversifying Hawai‘i’s Economy

Virtual Event

On Thursday, October 14 from 4:00 - 5:00pm, Dr. Patrick Sullivan will join host Roger Jelenik for a discussion titled, "A Different Model For Diversifying Hawai‘i’s Economy." Patrick K. Sullivan is the Founder, Chair and CEO of Oceanit Laboratories. He holds a Ph.D. in Ocean Engineering from the University of Hawaii, Manoa and a BS in Engineering from the University of Colorado, Boulder. He is the author of  Intellectual Anarchy: The Art of Disruptive Innovation. Roger Jellinek has been Executive Director of HBMF since 2006. He’s been involved in book publishing for over 50 years in New York and Hawai‘i — as a New York Times Book Review editor, as a trade book editor, science newsletter publisher, literary agent, and map publisher. He and his wife, actor-director Eden Lee Murray, arrived  in 1992, and live in Kahalu’u, ‘Oahu. RSVP at the link below. The 16th annual Hawaii Book & Music Festival returns virtually, October 1 – November 4, with its core program of Hawai‘i Authors, and community thought leaders and experts in Hawai‘i Sustainability & Resilience, Health & Wellness, Innovation Future, Hawaiian Culture, amplified by national and international Authors addressing some of the greatest issues for Hawai’i’s future.


Hawaii Book & Music Festival 2021 | Panel: Everyone says Hawai‘i has to Diversify—but diversify to what?

Virtual Event

On Wednesday, October 13 from 4:00 - 5:00pm, Dr. Patrick Sullivan will join a HBMF panel discussion titled, "Everyone says Hawai‘i has to Diversify—but diversify to what?" The 2021 Hawaii Book & Music Festival, in partnership with the University of Hawai'i at Manoa, will bring together Nicole Lim, Steven Bond-Smith, Patrick Sullivan, and Omar Sultan in a one-hour panel discussion moderated by Honolulu Civil Beat's Chad Blair. The panel will discuss everything from inequality to the exodus of Hawaii's young and talented, Startup financing to remote work in Hawaii for mainland enterprises. RSVP at the link below. The 16th annual Hawaii Book & Music Festival returns virtually, October 1 - November 4, with its core program of Hawai‘i Authors, and community thought leaders and experts in Hawai‘i Sustainability & Resilience, Health & Wellness, Innovation Future, Hawaiian Culture, amplified by national and international Authors addressing some of the greatest issues for Hawai’i’s future.
