Oceanit designed permanent physical best management practices (BMPs) to reduce the pollutant load to Salt Lake.
Stormwater laden with sediment and trash flows to Salt Lake, a 42-acre lake near the Honolulu Airport, degrading the water quality of the lake. Oceanit was selected by the COE to design permanent physical best management practices (BMPs) to reduce the pollutant load to the lake. The schedule for the project was very tight because funding was set to expire within three months after the project start date. In order to meet the tight project schedule, Oceanit mobilized a highly skilled and experienced team to complete all required design elements.
Innovation Delivered: Oceanit designed: 1) two detention basins near the Salt Lake Elementary School to capture sediment and debris during storms; 2) erosion control mats to prevent erosion of sediment into an existing drainage channel: 3) catch basin inserts to capture trash and debris; 4) permanent fencing around the project area.
Oceanit prepared plans, specifications, cost estimates, and design analyses. The entire project, including all surveying, geotechnical investigations, and design, was completed in less than three months.