Altino Intro SCRATCH: March 18 – Introduction “SCRATCH” workshop for teachers and parents
Learn to code and earn 3 PD credits: Develop lesson plans that incorporate computer programming into any subject. This introduction class is designed for the non-technical teacher. By the end of this professional development, you'll be programming in "C" language.
Read moreAltino Intro C: March 16 – Introduction “C” workshop for teachers and parents
Learn to code and earn 3 PD credits: Develop lesson plans that incorporate computer programming into any subject. This introduction class is designed for the non-technical teacher. By the end of this professional development, you'll be programming in "C" language.
Read moreWhat Schools Could Be — Game Changer Series: A Conversation with Ian Kitajima
Join What Schools Could Be for a Game Changer Series conversation with Oceanit’s Director of Corporate Development, Ian Kitajima. Ian is best known as the “Technology Sherpa” at Oceanit – a “Mind to Market” innovation lab of 160 scientists, engineers,…
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