March 1st | Houston, TX – Oceanit hosted more than 60 experts from the pipeline industry for the launch of DragX, our novel nanocomposite pipeline surface treatment technology.
More than 60 subject matter experts from the energy industry, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), U.S. Department of Defense, U.S. Department of Energy, and National Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL), joined Oceanit in Houston or via webcast to learn more about this breakthrough technology.
DragX is one of a number of advanced nanocomposite surface treatments that have been recently developed at Oceanit. When applied, DragX creates a water- & oil-repellant, low-friction surface; even on corroded and de-rated pipes.
Oceanit Director of Strategic Initiatives, Dr. Vinod Veedu, along with CEO Dr. Patrick K. Sullivan, led the DragX showcase event. Partnered with industry veterans, Robert H. Winters and Andy Santalucia, Oceanit presented DragX’s numerous benefits and case studies to the event attendees.
DragX enables increased pipeline efficiency & throughput, reduced pressure drop, reduction of pumping energy used, prevention of corrosion, prevention of debris deposition (such as paraffin or black powder buildup) and reduced costs of inspection, cleaning, and maintenance.
During the event, Oceanit presented the findings from a pipeline demonstrationg which included fabrication, application, and monitoring conducted in 2017. The results show that DragX is easily applied using traditional pigging techniques on pipes of all diameters, and that the coating can be evaluated using Oceanit’s novel digital video-pig that provides data on surface coverage, adherence, thickness, and uniformity – all of which is processed in real-time.
Oceanit’s solution overcomes the many shortcomings of previous epoxy flow-coating and in-situ rehabilitation solutions. DragX overcomes these hurdles by requiring minimal surface preparation before application, being effective at a fraction of the thickness of past coatings (only 2mil), and combining a 72-hour pot life with a cure-time of less than two hours.
Though in-situ pipeline coatings have been around for decades, these characteristics make DragX a breakthrough in both benefits and reduction of service disruption which has inhibited wide adoption of past in-situ coatings. DragX is shown to be easy to apply, improves the economics, and boosts performance of pipelines.
The Oceanit team and our partners would like to thank all of those who joined the showcase event, whether in-person or via our webcast. To learn more about DragX, please visit or contact Oceanit.

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