DragX is effective in pipelines at a fraction of the thickness of conventional coatings, while reducing pipe wall drag resistance, preventing corrosion, and reducing adhesion & deposition of unwanted debris and impurities.
Oceanit has developed DragX as a novel surface treatment system for use in a variety of pipelines. Development was supported by the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE), U.S. National Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL), and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).
DragX utilizes nanocomposite technology to create a water & oil-repellant, low-friction surface – even on corroded, in-service pipelines. The surface treatment is applicable on long, in-situ pipelines and is scalable to any pipe diameter. DragX is effective at a fraction of the thickness of conventional pipeline epoxy coatings (2 mil), while imparting drag reduction, preventing corrosion, and reducing adhesion & deposition of unwanted debris and impurities.
The energy industry has embraced the numerous benefits found in using factory-applied, flow-efficiency coatings for pipelines. These benefits include increased efficiency & throughput, reduced pressure drop, reductions in power use for pumping, mitigation of corrosion on internal pipe surfaces, reduction in adhesion of debris & paraffin, and reductions in the cost of inspection, cleaning & maintenance.
Past coatings – both in-situ and factory-applied – have had issues with pot life after preparation (shorter than 45 minutes), extremely long curing times (up to two weeks), and required coating-thickness which impacts business and capacity (8 mil+). These properties have made the adoption of in-situ-applied epoxy coatings impractical for many pipelines. DragX eliminates these issues as well as the needs for costly inhibitors and injection of chemicals to assist in flow assurance.
DragX has strong adhesion, abrasion-resistance, no adverse effects on purity of the fluids being transported, and increases flow capacities at decreased pressure, even for de-rated pipelines.
To learn more, please visit the DragX website:
Key Features
- Improved pipeline efficiency by reducing surface friction of the pipe wall
- Reduced need for use of costly inhibitors, or need eliminated altogether
- Eliminated need for continuous injection of costly chemicals
- Eliminated need for injection equipment and maintenance
- Increased throughput & lowered power consumption
- No adverse effects on purity of the fluids transported
- Effective for all flow regimes and products (Liquid, gas and multi-flow
- Increased flow capacity at decreased pressures for de-rated pipelines
- Protection against internal corrosion and black powder formation
- Reduced buildup of contaminates on pipe walls
- Faster pigging & less frequent scrapping